Why you should take your parents to Xenses

Why you should take your parents to Xenses

April 15, 2019

A complete new experience

You are never too old to learn about yourself

Maybe is due to the apparent attractiveness of the models, or the market trends, or only the nature of the parks… but we rarely see advertising addressed to the elderly in the tourist sector. This got me thinking, what will be of me when I turn 60? Will I no longer be able to attend the parks I love so much? Will I have to retire to a nursing home? Will playing cards on a Tuesday afternoon be my week’s highlight? While thinking of this, I came up with the idea to perform a social experiment.

Suddenly, the two perfect guinea pigs for my project turned out to be my parents. Both are seniors, maybe too attached to their routine. The primary challenge was to convince them to visit Xenses park; this way I could prove my theory. The results not only gave me peace of mind, but they gave me the joy of sharing awesome moments with my family!

I knew the hardest part was to convince my father, he always finds an excuse, so if I wanted to succeed, I needed to make sure my mom was on board first so my father would not have a way to say no.

So on Friday, we went to Xenses, it was also my first time at this park, and I was very excited and eager to discover and enjoy the place. It was hilarious, and I was glad to see my parents were enjoying themselves too. They were smiling like a child, and we realized that we are never too old to be surprised.

To make this experiment more authentic, I decided to ask my parents to share their experience and testimonies. Each with their very particular way of seeing life.

Yolanda, 57:

“Every detail of the park is very well designed to put your senses to the test. I enjoyed the Bird Flight very much, that was the best part to me. I never thought I would dare to go through a river of mud, but it was worth it.  The Town was a whole new adventure, but the biggest challenge was the Xensatorium, where I had to overcome fear and keep going. At the end of the activity, I felt an unusual sensation and really appreciated the value of sight, the beauty, and everything our senses give us. It was such a deep, intense and enriching experience. Well, what else can I say? I loved it!”

We recommend you: 5 families who enjoyed Xenses

Alejandro, 61:

“From the entrance itself, you start experiencing strange sensations, product of the perception caused by the design surrounding the park. From the cubes at the beginning to the W.C. water fountain telling the visitors to reflect on everything they’ll do because they are bound to break some schemes throughout their journey. The design and the variety of experiences lived here are truly varied and go from simpler to the biggest emotions and challenges that require a voluntary answer by part of the visitors in the park. It’s a place with incredibly creative and original ideas that make the tour worthwhile. Really, everything is interesting. However, my favorite part was walking the Town, which plays with our perception, making us believe we’re going up when we’re going down, and that we’re going down when we’re going up. It becomes impossible to confirm with our senses since it is, evidently, our sense perception is totally deceitful and the reality lived is something completely different from what we see. This place takes its visitors to experience sensations they’ve never felt before. In the same way, all activities, games, and fun in the park take you to sensorial perceptions truly diverse. From slipping through a water slide, flying like a bird, or relaxing in thermal waters or mud. Experiences that might have only been done once in a lifetime.”

Without a doubt, we all had fun. But what I take from this experience is the joy of seeing my parents live and have a good time. The satisfaction of knowing there is always something new to learn and discover, and that the world is an adventure to explore. No better way to do so than letting our inner child free!

Por suerte nacido en México. Descubriendo el mundo a través del deporte y el arte. Encuentro refugio en la naturaleza


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