Planned Adventure Vs. Unplanned Adventure

Planned Adventure Vs. Unplanned Adventure

December 10, 2018

Dare to enjoy the adventure

What kind of experience do you prefer?

Choosing between one type of adventure or another is very subjective and depends mainly on the personality of each individual, with whom you are going to live that adventure and how you prefer to invest your time and your money. It may also be that the type of experience you choose may favor being planned or not. It is not the same to go on a safari to Africa than to go on a road trip around your country.

For the above and to help you decide what is best for you, here we share with you some pros and cons of each of these two types of adventure.

Planned adventure

Having an organized plan helps you to have control of what it’s going to happen and enjoy with fewer concerns.


  • You save more so you can invest in more adventures.
  • You are certain of what will happen.
  • You travel more comfortably, without worries.
  • You know how much you will spend from the beginning, which helps have clarity about the amount you can use while on the adventure.
Photo: Pexels
  • If you have a problem, you have someone to contact to help you solve it.
  • You invest all the time enjoying the trip.
  • With previous information, you have more details on the site.
  • Travel advised by experts.
  • Don’t waste time every day looking for accommodation and activities.
Photo: Pexels


  • The plan outlined can close you to a certain point of view.
  • Hiring agencies or specialized people in a particular type of adventure can be more expensive than doing it on your own.
  • You don’t fully own your time and more when you contract with agencies.
Photo: Pexels

If you are planning your next adventure, you will be interested in reading: The 10 Best Apps For Travelers.

Unplanned adventure

Here the plan is to venture yourself into the new, open up new opportunities and do what you never thought you would do.


  • You have absolute freedom, your time is entirely yours. If you want to stay in a park for hours you can do it, if you’re going to wake up late, you can do it too.
  • You can organize the day according to the budget.
  • If you don’t like the place where you arrived, you can move.
Photo: Pexels
  • You choose the adventure that most catches your attention every day.
  • You choose according to your preferences regarding places to meet.
  • You can find last minute offers, which can help you save a lot.
  • You value more something that you didn’t have planned.
Photo: Pexels


  • You probably spend more than your budget.
  • Maybe you have to go through some discomforts when it comes to lodging or transportation.
  • You lose a little time thinking about what will be next.
  • At a certain point in the adventure, the concerns may appear.
Photo: Pexels

Organized or not, a new adventure always puts you t0 test and can bring out the best or the worst, which is why it is an experience that deserves to be lived.

If you are in the process of becoming a free and adventurous soul, we invite you to read: Steps To Achieve Your Travel Goals.

Are you ready for your next adventure?

Comunicóloga por profesión y foodie por elección. Amo el mar y hacer deporte. Soy una piña viajera. La familia y amigos siempre serán primero.


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