6 things you never thought you’d do (and then enjoyed)

6 things you never thought you’d do (and then enjoyed)

March 08, 2018

Your fear is your worst enemy

Do more things for the first time!

The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself

Franklin D. Roosevelt

Getting out of your comfort zone is not as easy as everybody claim it is. It’s so complicated! After all… why would you want to get out of a place where you really feel relaxed and awesome? It doesn’t sound intelligent. But believe me, doing things for the first time is, by far, the best you can do.

How could you discover your limits if you never push yourself to give more than you believe you can do? Once you get out of your comfort zone, you will never want to go back anymore, but you need a little push. That’s what Xenses is all about, it is the best option for taking that first step and turning it into a complete way of seeing the world. 

1.- Losing one of your senses

You’ve never imagined losing one of your senses, but doing it for the first time is unforgettable. The Xensatorium will take your sight away and push you to walk through a completely dark tunnel where your touch, smell, and hearing will guide you through this experience. After walking by it, you’ll feel in complete harmony with nature and yourself.

2.- Fly with open arms!

Your arms will turn into wings, and you’ll be able to make your dream come true and fly like a bird through the Riviera Maya’s jungle. I know you’ve dreamed of flying and doing it for the first time will change your life. The smile that this will leave in your face will be very hard to take off.

We recommend you: 25 Unique experiences that you will live in Xenses

3.- Try blue guava water

Who said that things have to be of one color? Blue guava water is delicious! Won’t you try it just because it has a different color than you are used to?

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4.- Drink water from a toilet

Yes, you are reading it well, I did not make a mistake. At Xenses you will drink water from a toilet, and it is alright! If doing things for the first time is the goal, this is absolutely one of the most difficult things to do.

5.- Going up and down at the same time in a beautiful town

Can you imagine not knowing if you are going up or down? Don’t worry, if you can’t div out what are you doing. You have to keep walking and admiring everything you are seeing and the funniest signs you’ve ever seen. The craziest Town at the Riviera Maya will dare your senses.

6.- Take a mud bath

You’ve heard about it, and you’ve thought about doing it, but you’ve never really imagined yourself doing it. But Xenses is the right place to do it for the first time, and you will totally enjoy it.

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You only live once, so enjoy it and do a lot of things, try everything and every time you have a question with a “yes' or “no' for answer, always choose yes.

Would you like to make more things for the first time? 

Toma fotos, escribe y ve futbol. Apasionado de la sostenibilidad y fanático de que la vida lo sorprenda.


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