Beach games and activities for kids

July 31, 2024

The best beach games and activities for your kids!

Summer is only complete with a trip to the beach. If you have kids, you know that the beach is like a giant playground filled with fun games and activities. There is something for everyone, from building sandcastles to splashing in the waves.

If you want to know how to keep your little ones happy under the sun, you've come to the right place! Let's say goodbye to boredom and hello to laughter and fun with this list of beach games and activities for the kids.

Beach games also help them learn and grow; they're an excellent way for adults to feel like kids again!

Educational beach games can include spotting sea creatures, learning about the tides, or even measuring the water temperature. Even active games like sand relay races or beach volleyball help kids get exercise and improve their coordination.

The beach is the perfect place to learn and play!

Let's play in the sand!

Get ready for a day full of laughs and adventures in the sand.

1. Build sandcastles

What you need: Buckets, shovels, rakes, molds, and your imagination.

Goal: Create the most fantastic sandcastle on the beach!

Rules: There are no rules! Let your creativity run wild and build towers, bridges, moats, and anything else you can dream up. You can decorate your castle with shells, stones, and seaweed.

Tips: Moisten the sand to make it easier to shape, and add a flag on top to make it look unique!


2. Bury yourself in the sand.

What you need: Buckets, shovels, rakes, your hands, water, and your imagination.

Goal: Bury your body in the sand!

Rules: Have fun, and don't cover your face.

Tips: Use shovels and your hands to dig a hole big enough for your body. Collect the sand in buckets and then cover your body with it. You can draw pictures on the sand and shape your body into anything you want.


3. The lost treasure hunt.

What you need: small toys, shells, coins, a list of clues, and a final reward.

Goal: Find the hidden treasure by following the clues!

Rules: Hide the objects in different places on the beach and write creative clues that lead the kids to the treasure.

Tips: Make sure the clues are appropriate for the kids' ages. The final reward could be ice cream, a new toy, or a giant hug!


4. Sand artist

What you need: Sticks, rakes, stones, and anything else you find on the beach.

Goal: Create the most incredible drawings in the sand!

Rules: Draw and write whatever you want; let your imagination run wild!

Tips: Use different textures and colors of sand to create contrast. You can take pictures of your artwork to remember it forever!


5. Beach Olympics

What you need: Balls, frisbees, ropes, and other objects you can use for games.

Goal: Have fun competing in different races!

Rules: Make up your events, like relay races, frisbee tosses, or long jumps in the sand.

Tips: Form teams and encourage everyone to participate. Remember to award the winners with chocolate medals or a refreshing drink!


6. Seashell relay races

What you need: Seashells, sand.

Goal: Have fun running in the sand!

Rules: Decide the distance, the starting point, and the goal.

Tips: Form teams to get exercise in a fun way. You can high-five each other to pass the baton or give each other a sea shell or sand fist.


7. Shaping the clouds

What you need: Sunglasses, towel, notebook, and colored pencils or crayons.

Goal: Find shapes in the clouds and draw them.

Rules: Let your imagination soar and have lots of fun!

Tips: Bring a notebook and colors, lie on a towel, and draw the shapes you find on your laptop. They'll be a great reminder of your creativity.


8. Bowling  

What you need: Water bottles, sand.  

Goal: Knock down the bowling pins in an original way.  

Rules: Use reusable bottles or thermoses!  

Tips: Set up your bottles and thermoses, and use a stick or your hands to draw a line where you'll throw the sand to knock them down. The first person to knock them down wins a swim in the ocean.


9. Sandball fight  

What you need: Sand.  

Goal: Have fun and fight!

Rules: Have fun like a kid, with kids.  

Tips: You can make teams or play with everyone in the family. Make small sandballs and run to throw them at whoever you want. This activity will tire you out and make you laugh a lot!

10. Tunnel building

What you need: Shovels, rakes, water, buckets.

Goal: Make the longest tunnel on the beach.

Rules: Wear a hat and sunscreen, drink lots of water, and start digging!

Tips: Start the tunnel from the sea's edge to the beach's beginning. Fill the buckets with water and fill your funnel along the coast.


11. Kite flying

What you need: Kite and lots of patience.

Goal: Fly a kite as high as you can!

Rules: Stand facing the wind and keep your distance from other kites.

Tips: Choose a colorful and fun kite and enjoy the air. You can run with it or stand and watch it fly.


12. Volleyball games

What you need: Volleyball or plastic ball and a desire to have fun.

Goal: Play a volleyball game with the family.

Rules: Form two teams and practice hitting the ball in the most fun way possible.

Tips: You can plan this game before going to the beach by bringing shirts or hats of the same color. The game can be on the beach or the sea; choose whichever is more fun.


Let's go swimming in the sea!

13. Snorkeling

What you need: Snorkel, mask, camera.

Goal: Discover the wonders of the ocean.

Rules: Swim near the shore to explore the marine world.

Tips: Bring a marine life identification guide to learn more about what you find


14. Epic swimming races  

What you need: You need water and a desire to compete!  

Goal: Be the first to reach the finish line!  

Rules: Mark a starting line and a finish line in the water. The first to cross the finish line wins!  

Tips: Ensure the kids can swim well and are always supervised by an adult. You can do races in different swimming styles!


15. Playing jump the waves

What you need: Lots of enthusiasm for fun!

Goal: Jump the ocean waves

Rules: Swim near the shore, wait for a wave to come, and jump!

Tips: Don't bring any objects you could lose; focus on jumping the waves.


The beach is a blank canvas for family fun. With some creativity and these exciting games, every day at the shore will become an unforgettable adventure. So, get your towels, sunscreen, and energy ready to make the most of this summer. Let the fun take over your vacation with this guide to beach games! Get ready to create unforgettable family memories!

Me encanta vivir nuevas experiencias y aprender de los constantes cambios de la vida. Amante de las nubes, los árboles, los animales y el fútbol. Creo que siempre hay algo bueno en cada día.


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