May 01, 2024
Did you know that Mexico has approximately 1,800 butterfly species, accounting for 9% of the world's known species? Butterflies are essential pollinators in various crops. Additionally, their ecological function is to serve as a food source for predators such as birds, spiders, lizards, and other animals.
They are attracted to bright flowers and need to feed on nectar. When they do this, their bodies collect pollen and transport it to other plants. This helps fruits, vegetables, and flowers produce new seeds. Most plants require pollinators such as bees and butterflies to reproduce.
What types of butterflies are in Mexico?
Next, I will show you some of the most common species of butterflies in Mexico:
1. Silk Wings (Lycaenidae)
Mexican Striped - Micandra tongida
Lavish Blue Striped - Atlides halesus
Green Striped with Spots - Cyanophrys agricolor
"M" Blue Striped - Parrhasius album
2. Skippers (Hesperiidae)
Blue Skipper - Urbanus proteus
Mercury Skipper - Proteides mercurius
Golden-Banded Skipper - Autochton cellus
Huizache Skipper - Cogia outis
3. Whites, Yellows, and Sulphurs
Spotted White - Pontia protodice
Soul - Glutophrissa drusilla
Green-Eyed White - Leptophobia aripa
Black-Tipped White - Itaballia demophile
White - Ascia monuste
Orange-Banded Sulphur - Phoebis philea
Sinaloa Sulphur - Prestonia clarki
Sulphur - Aphrissa statira
Cabbage Sulphur - Enantia mazai
Guayacan - Kricogonia lyside
Orange Sleepy - Abaeis nicippe
Orange Sulphur - Colias eurytheme
Small White - Ganyra josephina
Mexican Yellow - Eurema mexicana
Southern Dogface - Zerene cesonia
Tipped Orange - Pyrisitia proterpia
Tiger White - Dismorphia amphione
Mexican Victory - Catastica nimbice
Madroño Butterfly - Eucheira socialis
Shadow - Pereute charops
4. Swallowtails (Papilionidae)
Three-Tailed Swallowtail - Pterourus pilumnus
Dark Zebra Swallowtail - Protographium philolaus
Luminaria - Pterourus multicaudala
Quexquemetl Swallowtail - Pterorus garamas
Mexican Swallowtail - Baronia brevicornis
Golden-Edged Luminaria - Battus polydamas
Blue Luminaria - Battus philenor
Zebra Swallowtail - Protographium epidaus
Swallowtail with Swallowtail - Troilides torquatus
Yellow-Banded Swallowtail - Pyrrhosticla victorinus
Red-Spotted Butterfly - Parides sesostris
Black Swallowtail - Papilio polyxenes
5. Brush-Foots (Nymphalidae)
Fine-Spotted Glasswing - Greta morgane
Orange Patch - Chlosyne lacinia
White-Spotted Passionflower - Agraulis vanillae
Orange-Banded - Dryadula phaetusa
Split-Banded Owl - Opsiphanes cassina
Common Tiger - Lycorea halia
Crimson-Banded - Heliconius erato
Zebra - Heliconius charithonia
Purple - Eunica monima
Malachite - Siproeta stelenes
Coralito - Pyrrhogyra otolais
Olive Wings - Nessaea aglaura
Pale Owl - Caligo telamonius
Orange Glasswing - Episcada salvinia
Nun - Adelpha fessonia
Striped Mandarin - Nica flavilla
Tiger Leaf - Consul fabius
Painted Lady - Vanessa cardui
Empress - Asterocampa celtis
Labyrinth - Colobura dirce
Red-Bordered - Biblis hyperia
Cloud Forest Monarch - Anetia thirza
Pale-Spotted Leaf - Memphis pithyusa
Cyan Blue - Prepona laertes
Admiral - Limenitis arthemis
Blue Morpho - Morpho helenor
Striped Glasswing - Pteronymia cotto
Buckeye - Junonia coenia
Julia Heliconian - Dryas iulia
Clear-Winged Map - Euptoieta hegesia
Monarch - Danaus plexippus
Banner - Epiphile adrasta
Blurred Eighty-Eight - Cyclogramma pandama
Grey Cracker - Hamadryas februa
Pointed Leaf - Fountainea euryple
Emperor - Doxocopa laure
Jester - Myscelia ethusa
Metallic Blue-Banded - Archaeoprepona demophon
Glasswing - Dircenna klugii
Orange-Bordered White - Mestra dorcas
Leaf - Zaretis ellops
Mandarin - Temenis laothoe
Mexican Passionflower - Dione moneta
Reddish Daggerwing - Marpesia petreus
Fire Tip - Catonephele mexicana
Leaf - Anaea troglodyta
Scarlet Leaf - Siderone galanthis
Naval Eighty-Eight - Diaethria astala
Four-Spotted Sailor - Dynamine postverta
The life cycle of butterflies involves a complete process consisting of four stages. I will show them to you through photographs taken at the Xcaret butterfly garden, where they provide a clear explanation of each one of these.
Now that you know the butterfly species found in Mexico and their life cycle, let's explore each of the parts that make up these beautiful living beings:
Butterflies are considered one of our planet's most colorful and beautiful insects. For many years, they have taken on many meanings from ancient cultures that believed they were the souls of their fallen warriors, symbolizing transformation toward the afterlife. Today, people see them as symbols of rebirth and starting anew.
The Xcaret Butterfly Pavilion, located in Playa del Carmen at kilometer 282 of the Chetumal-Puerto Juárez highway in the municipality of Solidaridad, Quintana Roo, features a free-flight area of 3500 m2 and a height of 15 meters. It exhibits and reproduces only 23 regional species, including the owl butterfly, the blue butterfly, and the red butterfly.
Wander through an area of vast jungle, where you will find shade butterflies and those that love the sun in more light-exposed areas. Ancient indigenous peoples highly valued these species, considering them the souls of warriors who had fallen in battle.
Here, you can witness all stages of their development: the tiny eggs on the leaves, the larvae hanging from leaves and eating, and the incredible pupae that will emerge from the cocoon transformed into beautiful and colorful butterflies.
The best times to see them flying in the entire butterfly garden are at 10 a.m. and precisely at 4 p.m. when they release the new butterflies.
Here are some of the butterfly species you will find in this beautiful butterfly garden:
Sun Butterflies
Queen - Danaus gilippus thersippus
Monarch - Danaus plexippus plexippus
Gulf Fritillary - Agraulis vanillae incarnata
Julia - Dryas iulia moderata
Swordtail - Ascia monuste
Dione - Dione juno huascuma
Orange-Barred Sulphur - Phoebis philia philea
Cattleheart - Parides iphidamas iphidamas
Red Postman - Heliconius erato petiverana
Rogeri - Heraclides rogeri rogeri
Polydamas Swallowtail - Battus polydamas polydamas
Shade Butterflies
Zebra Longwing - Heliconius charitonia charitonia
Malachite - Siproeta stelenes biplagiata
Owl Butterfly - Caligo telamonius memnon
Blue Morpho - Morpho helenor montezuma
White Peacock - Anartia jatrophae
Thoas Swallowtail - Papilio thoas
Giant Swallowtail - Papilio cresphontes
Pipevine Swallowtail - Battus philenor acauda
Something curious about caterpillars is that each species feeds on a different plant. Here's a list of the plant species each of them feeds on:
1. Luminari dorada (Battus polydamas)
Guaco de monte (Aristolochia Maxima)
2. Blanquita (Ascia monuste)
Bejuco de sangre (Omphalea diandra)
3. Malaquita (Siproeta stelenes)
Salta perico (Ruellia tuberosa)
4. Alas de golondrina (Papilo thoas)
Hoja santa (Piper auritum)
5. Ojo de búho (Caligo memnon)
Achira amarilla (Canna glauca)
6. Pavo real blanco (Anartia jatrophae)
Salta perico (Ruellia tuberosa)
7. Manchas rojas (Parides iphidamas)
Guaco de monte (Aristolochia maxima)
8. Cometa gigante (Papilio cresphontes)
Zapote amarillo (Casimiroa tetrameria)
9. Luminari azul (Battus philenor)
Camotillo (Aristolochia pentandra)
10. Julia (Dryas iulias)
Pata de gallo (Passiflora lobata)
11. Cometa manchas rojas (Papilio rogeri)
Zapote amarillo (Casimiroa tetrameria)
12. Cebrita (Heliconius Vcharithonia)
Pata de gallo (Passiflora lobata)
13. Monarca (Dannaus plexippus)
Rompemuelas (Asclepia curassavica)
14. Carterito rojo (Heliconius erato)
Pata de gallo (Passiflora lobata)
15. Morpho azul (Morpho peleides)
Pata de vaca (Bauhinia divaricata)
16. Espejitos (Agraulis vanillae)
Pata de gallo (Passiflora lobata)
17. Mañanita (Phoebis philea)
Mazorquilla (Senna alata)
18. Reina (Danaus gilippus)
Rompemuelas (Asclepia curassavica)
19. Cocinera (Anartia fatima)
Salta perico (Ruellia tuberosa)
Butterflies are beautiful and fragile creatures essential to our ecosystem as pollinators. Their reproductive cycle lasts a month, and their lifespan is three to four months. Caring for them and protecting their habitats is essential to ensure their survival. If you encounter a butterfly in your garden, admire its beauty and let it fly freely, contributing to the natural balance of our world.
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Grupo Xcaret